International Society of Waste Management, Air and Water
Unless the context otherwise requires words and expressions obtained in those Regulations shall bear the same meaning as in the W.B. Societies Act, 1961 or any statutory modification thereof.
1.1. Admission :
   The signatories to the Memorandum of Society & the office bearers of the Governing Body of the society shall be first members of the Society.
   The Governing Body may admit to membership any person of any caste, creed or sex who has attained the age of 18 years and agreed in writing to be bound by the Memorandum of Society and regulations of the Society and who in opinion of the Governing Body will be interested in advancement of the objects of the society.
Be it noted here that the power to admitted members is the sole and absolute power of the Governing Body and the Governing Body may refuse to admit any person as a member without assigning any reason therefore.

Every application for membership shall be completed on the Society’s Membership Application Form and forwarded to the Secretary. If in order, the Secretary shall at the first convenient opportunity, submit it to the Committee for approval. The Committee may at its discretion reject any application without assigning any reason thereof. In case of an urgency, the Secretary shall submit it to the president for approval which will be ratified by the committee later.

Every successful applicant, as aforesaid shall, upon payment of the prescribed entrance fee and the first annual subscription (or prorated subscription), be admitted as a member of the Society and shall be entitled to all privileges of membership as aforesaid. A Register of Members shall be maintained by the Secretary.

Every member shall be furnished with a card of membership which shall specify the class of membership. Irrespective of the number of approved applications, in the case of a Corporate Member four membership cards will be issued and, each one to an individual nominated by the Corporate. Membership cards must be produced to any Committee Member whenever required. Membership cards must be produced to the Committee or their nominee before a member shall be entitled to vote at a General Meeting or (where appropriate) at a Committee meeting.
1.2. Types of Members:
   Ordinary Membership
Ordinary Membership is open to any Indian citizen and from foreign countries who have diplomatic relation with India irrespective of gender or race who is aged 18 years and above and of good character with an interest in, or is connected with the issues related to waste management, Air or Water management and or any one of these.
   Life Membership
Life Membership is open to any Indian citizen and from foreign countries who have diplomatic relation with India irrespective of gender or race who is aged 18 years and above and of good character with an interest in, or is connected with the issues related to waste management, Air or Water management and or any one of these.
   Corporate Membership
Corporate Membership is open to all Indian corporate bodies, firms, partnerships, sole proprietary, Government departments and agencies, trade and other agencies, educational and other institutions, service organization, Municipal bodies like Municipality, Municipal Corporation, Nagar Palika and Panchayat with an interest in, or is connected with, issues related to waste management, Air or Water management and or any one of these and related issues. Corporate members are entitled to nominate 4 individuals as corporate representatives.
   Honorary Membership
The Society may confer Honorary Membership for a specified period of time on those persons who have contributed exceptionally in the field of waste management, Air or Water and related issues or have rendered meritorious service to the Society.;
   Associate Corporate Membership
Associate Corporate Membership is open to Non-Indian corporate bodies, firms, partnerships, sole proprietary, Government departments and agencies, trade and other agencies, educational and other institutions, with an interest in, or is connected with, waste management , Air or Water and related issues. Associate Corporate members are entitled to nominate 4 individuals as Associate Corporate representatives.
Student Membership
Student Membership is open to any Indian student and from foreign countries who have diplomatic relation with India irrespective of gender or race who is aged 18 years and above and of good character with an interest in, or is connected with the issues related to waste management, Air or Water management and/or any one of these. University or College student shall be eligible for membership with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor / competent authority of the University and Principal / competent authority of the College concerned or recommended by two governing body members.
Adviser / Patron
The Committee shall if it deems fit and necessary appoint qualified persons to be the Adviser or Patron of the Society. The person appointed must give his consent in writing.
Privileges of Membership
The privilege of Ordinary, Life and Corporate membership is the participation in all activities arrranged or organised by the Society at rates or for free as decided by the Committee, be entitled to hold office in the Committee and to attend and vote in the General Meetings of the Society. Honorary, Associate Corporate members and Student Members will enjoy all the privileges of Ordinary, Life and Corporate membership except that of voting or of holding office in the Committee. Student members will attend and vote for student represntatives in the committee. One student member may be inducted in the GB who may act only as the member or the Assistrant Secretary or at most the Joint Secretary of the society with all the priviledges and power of a GB member.
1.3. Membership Fees
(A)   The entrance fee of the Society shall be as follows:
an Ordinary Member shall be INR. 1,000/- for Indian; USD 25 for other than Indian,
a Life Member shall be INR. 10,000/- for Indian; USD 250 for other than Indian,
Corporate / Associate Corporate Member shall be INR 5,000/-;
a Student Member shall be INR. 300/- for Indian; USD 8 for other than Indian;
(B) The annual subscription of the Society shall be as follows:
an Ordinary Member shall be INR. 500/- for Indian; USD 12 for other than Indian,;
a Life Member shall be exempted; and
a Corporate/Associate Corporate Member shall be Rs. 50,000/-
a Corporate/Associate Corporate Member comprehensive for 5 years shall be Rs. 2,00,000/-..
a Student Member shall be INR. 100/- for Indian; USD 2 for other than Indian,;
(C) New Ordinary, Corporate and Associate Corporate members shall be charged pro-rated subscription fees in the year of joining as follows:
Date of Joining                     Rate of applicable annual subscription fee
1st April to 30th September          Full rate
1st October to 31st March           50%
(D) Annual subscriptions shall be due on 1st April of each year in advance.
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International Society of Waste Management, Air and Water
Main Objectives of the Society:
The main objectives of International Society of Waste Management, Air and Water are as follows: -
The International Society of Waste Management, Air and Water will promote environmentally sound solid waste management practices, effluent treatment practices, Air and Water pollution control practices, general environment protection awareness etc. The International Society of Waste Management, Air and Water will be involved in educating the management groups, process owners, Ragpickers & waste handlers, SHG, adult poor, school children and college going students and others through training, awareness and technical assistance.
Development of Solid waste management, Air and Water quality monitoring and management as a profession.
Organising the flagship programme “International Conference on Solid Waste Management” and Exhibition in different parts of the country and abroad for generating awareness.
Research and development in solid waste management, recycling, Waste to energy, Bio-fuels, Air and Water management & technology, water harvesting, Ground Water and drinking Water, LCA, Carbon Footprints, Climate Change and related social aspects.
Involving in activities related to Standardization, LCA, Green House Gas (GHG) Emission, Carbon Footprints and other sustainability issues and Development of a Policy and framework on Waste Management, Air and Water management.
Involving civic bodies and concerned NGOs working in this field for effective implementation of the National policy.
Improvement and formulation in legislation and its enforcement in the field of Waste Management, Air and Water management – with specific law to impose accountability on Realty and other industries responsible for generating wastes and incorporating air and water management.
Awareness and community involvement - Organising effective awareness programmes at all levels across all community to achieve the level of awareness. To help promote awareness in the society in order to uplift moral standards by teaching adults and children alike the need for ascribing to higher standards to as to produce a cleaner, better and healthier society and be able to incorporate the pollution control measures. To create awareness & opportunity among the men and women belonging to low socio-economic condition in the rural and slums areas by organizing different awareness programmes & trainings to find out their own talents and resources within themselves to fight against their own poverty .
Professional recognition nationally and internationally and to get affiliation to the International Solid Waste Associations. Development of expertise in all the above areas.
Organizing Training Courses, workshops, seminars, symposiums, conference, exhibitions on these issues.
Publishing books, journals, periodicals on related issues and distribute those on sale.
Playing a leading role and coordinating role in bringing practitioners, users, scientists, technologists, administrators and community together to collaborate on the continuous improvement and harmonization of framework, terminologies, methodologies and implementation related to Solid & liquid Waste, Air and Water management. /td>
To encourage projects in maintaining, manage or partner to society developmental works and to open centres and /or Chapters of the society in various parts of the country and abroad for propagation of awareness, knowledge and cooperation.
To setup, establish, maintain and manage centers for the study of sociology, psychological counseling, handicraft and other subjects of interest for community development and to initiate and promote advance technologies in concerned areas.
To quit assistance for the un-employment young men and women belonging to low socio-economic condition In the Rutland slums by organizing different vocational training programme and launching different innovative self help group supporting plans and programmes for unprivileged people anywhere in the county & in West Bengal.
To provide consultancy services and playing advisory role to deferent government and private organizations.
To raise funds through Donation, Advertisements in souvenirs, Seminars, Symposium, workshop, training, Conferences, exhibition and other ways.
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